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Y1 Administrative Law $7.69   In den Einkaufswagen


Y1 Administrative Law

  • Kurs
  • Hochschule
  • Book

Providing a well-written summary with diagrams of lecture and workshop notes of Year 1, Quarter 2.

Letzte Aktualisierung vom Dokument: 4 Jahr vor

vorschau 2 aus 14   Seiten

  • 18. januar 2019
  • 25. januar 2020
  • 14
  • 2018/2019
  • Notizen
  • Unbekannt
  • Unbekannt

6  rezensionen


von: jamie-leebadoux • 4 Jahr vor

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Clear, not too long and well formatted.


von: lasziplevi • 4 Jahr vor


von: deborah_2000 • 4 Jahr vor


von: josiemakkink • 5 Jahr vor


von: alessandra9630 • 5 Jahr vor


von: ayoeb • 5 Jahr vor


Verfügbare Übungsfragen

Karteikarten 18 Karteikarten
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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What makes access to justice in administrative law different from criminal and civil justice?

Antwort: 1. Administrative justice makes use of a wider range of legal remedies to resolve disputes between the citizen and the state. 2. The citizen can use legal remedies effectively themselves as a lawyer and legal aid are not always necessary.


What is the aim of an administrative justice system?

Antwort: The aimof an administrative justice system is to ensure that administrative acts can be reviewed in proceedings adhering to fair trial standards by a competent, independent and impartial court or tribunal.


State the differences between administrative law in common law and civil law systems.

Antwort: In a civil Law system, administrative law has a separate system of administrative court, unlike the common law system where there are ordinary courts.


What does transparency mean in administrative law?

Antwort: “Information about decisions and decision-making procedures that is provided or available to the public “ (Heald 2006)


What are the core features of the transparency principle?

Antwort: 1.Right of access to documents 2.Holding of meetings in public 3.Provision of information.


Does the right of access to documents of public institutions constitute a fundamental right in the EU?

Antwort: Yes according to Article 42 ECHR, “Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, has a right of access to documents of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, whatever their medium”


Which are the EU institutions covered by the EU Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to documents?

Antwort: According to Art. 1 of Regulation 1049/2001 1.European Parliament 2.European Commission 2.Council of Ministers


What are the restrictions on the right of public access to documents in European Union?

Antwort: According to Article 4(1) Reg. 1049/2001 Public security 1. defense and military matters 2. international relations 3. the financial, monetary or economic policy matters.


What kind of rights do citizens enjoy under the 1998 Data ProtectionAct in the UK?

Antwort: 1.Right to be informed about personal information/data are held 2.Right to have any inaccuracies corrected or erased 3.Right to obtain compensation for loss suffered as a result of inaccuracy.

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