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3 artículos

Antibiotics indications and mechanism of action

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This document is about antibiotics along with the illustrations of dr najeeb and everything he said about it, it is well written and helps you understand more about antibiotics. It is used for people who dont have time to summarize his lectures. Good luck

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por idanpeer7 • 
  • subido  18-01-2024
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Types of circulatory systems and fish circulation

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This document is the summary of Dr najeeb's lecture about types of circulation and fish circulation. All his illustrations and everything he said is written in this document. It also covers some of ichtyology. Types of Circulatory Systems - Cardiovascular - Biology - NEET 2021 - GCSE Fish Circulatory System | Biology | NEET 2021 | GCSE | IGCSE

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  • Resumen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por idanpeer7 • 
  • subido  18-01-2024
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This is dr najeeb's lecture about atelectasis, it is organized and detailed , it contains everything Dr najeeb has said with his illustrations. This saves up time for those who dont have time or too lazy to summarize and you can always look it up if you forgot something. It describes what is atelectasis, what are the types of atelectasis and the etiology of each type. it also describes what is middle lobe syndrome.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por idanpeer7 • 
  • subido  18-01-2024
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