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Unit 3 Review: Ch 6-12 Perry Maternal Child

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Unit 3 Review: Ch 6-12 Perry Maternal Child The student nurse is giving a presentation about milestones in embryonic development. Which information should he or she include? - CORRECT ANSWER-At 20 weeks of age, the vernix caseosa and lanugo appear. The primary lung and urethral buds appear at 6 weeks of gestation. The vagina is open or the testes are in position for descent into the scrotum at 16 weeks. Two milestones that occur at 20 weeks are the appearance of the vernix caseosa and lanu...

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  • Examen
  •  • 8 páginas • 
  • por RobetoAcademics • 
  • subido  02-08-2023
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