SCI 1901

Clayton State University

Here are the best resources to pass SCI 1901. Find SCI 1901 study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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Clayton State University - SCI 1901FWho Killed Barry (1).pdf
  • Clayton State University - SCI 1901FWho Killed Barry (1).pdf

  • Case • 7 pages • 2022
  • Clayton State University - SCI 1901FWho Killed Barry (1 Forensics Lab Who killed Barry? As you play the game make sure to answer the questions below. Make sure to spend lots of time clicking around. You will find clues (white circles), witnesses (red circles), and items called “Red Herrings” which are just items and not clues (also white circles). You will also need to interrogate the witnesses. Each Witness has a section below for you to write what you interrogated them on. You do no...
  • $6.49
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