STAT 101 (STAT 101)

University Of Pennsylvania

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STAT 101 Polit--Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research new Q & S docx
  • STAT 101 Polit--Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research new Q & S docx

  • Examen • 4 páginas • 2020
  • STAT 101 Polit--Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research new Q & S docx Chapter 1 Introduction to Data Analysis in an Evidence-Based Practice Environment 1.1. Statistical skills can play an important role in nursing because they help nurses to: 1.2. In the context of a quantitative study, a concept is called a(n): 1.3. An example of a variable is: 1.4. An example of a datum is: 1.5. Which of the following is not a component of a research question? 1.6. Identify the depend...
  • $13.49
  • 1x vendido
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